2022年4月22日 13:30


ダークトレースの最高経営責任者(CEO)、ポピー・グスタフソン(Poppy Gustafsson)は次のようにコメントしました。


ウクライナ紛争では、産業システムを標的としたIndustroyer 2.0のような攻撃の例が見られますが、現在までのところ、この危機の最中に大規模な新型サイバー攻撃はまだ確認されていません。しかし、ロシア国家と国家に関連するアクターは、斬新かつ破壊的なサイバー攻撃ツールを武器として持っており、これらが展開されるのは時間の問題であると断言できます。

Since the start of the war critical infrastructure globally has been on high alert to cyber-attacks. In particular, we have seen significant inbound for our services from US critical infrastructure, particularly in oil and gas. Russia has previously displayed its ability to get into the heart of critical systems and launch attacks in cyber space that have real-world impacts – such as the attack on Ukraine’s energy grid in 2015. The attack on Colonial Pipeline last year also served as a wake-up call showing defenders of critical national infrastructure that no system is invulnerable to attack.

While we’ve seen examples in the Ukraine conflict of attacks targeting industrial systems, such as Industroyer 2.0, we have yet to see any novel cyber-attacks at scale during the crisis to date. But we can say with a degree of confidence that the Russian state and state-affiliated actors have novel and destructive cyber-attacks in their arsenal and it is only a matter of time before these are deployed.

The warning from the Five Eyes represents another global effort to combat disinformation, and serves as another reminder of the urgency with which defenders must act to ensure their digital assets are protected. We have to think about the people on the other side of these warnings; the people that are responsible for defending critical infrastructure. These defenders can only take a ‘shields up’ approach so far – we must augment security teams with advanced technology that can spot, stop and investigate attacks on their behalf.